Campfirmation Service Project

Each year, as part of our teaching on the season of Pentecost, our Campfirmation cluster has students engage in a service project to benefit our neighbors in need. This year we will be working with NALC Disaster Response, preparing emergency health and education kits for those displaced by natural disasters. Throughout the month of May, we will accept donations of items (all in original packaging) for these kits. A drop box will be located in the Fellowship Hall.


Heath Kit Items
Dark colored bath towels and wash cloths (new)
Bars of soap
Toothpaste, tooth brushes, dental floss
Combs and hairbrushes

School Kit Items
Spiral notebooks (please, no loose leaf paper)
Blunt scissors, Plastic rulers
Pencils and Erasers
Packages of construction paper
24 count box of crayons
++ Calculator (for high school students