Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.”

I am so happy that so many members of our St. Jacob’s family have supported me in my mission to the people of the Congo. I know this is not something that you have been dreaming of, but it is a dream come true for me that those whom I serve as pastor are willing to serve God’s people in such a far-off place. Truly, my heart is warmed by the love you show to people whom you will likely never meet.
The Congo Mission is one that requires a continuous fund-raising effort. As my mission partner, Pastor Stéphane Kalonji’s, September trip to Congo draws near, funding is at the forefront. In the years I do not travel to Congo, my task is to ensure ministry is carried out in the regions that are not safe for me to travel. I have met many of the Congolese pastors from these regions, and
they all are so appreciative of the support they receive from NALC congregations.
In an effort to raise awareness and travel funds for Pastor Kalonji, I am putting together a small team to host a Congo Mission Dinner scheduled for August 4th at 7:00 p.m. Members from surrounding NALC congregations will be invited along with all members of our church family. Please keep an eye on the worship bulletin announcements for more details.

Pastor David Nuottila