Council Briefs for September 4, 2018 Meeting

Good Things at St. Jacob’s : St. Jacob’s Homecoming was great with 145 in attendance. Pastor David Wendel’s sermon was well received and many also enjoyed his message before the church service. The Congo Mission Dinner Fundraiser went well and the Youth pool party was fun for all.

Treasurer’s Report – Pastor David suggested that 5% of the operating budget be dedicated to NALC and from his experience that is how it is typically set-up.

Pastor’s Report – Pastor David is encouraging prayer regarding the election of a new NALC Bishop. He reminded council of the process and the qualities that we would like to see in our next Bishop. Pastor will keep the congregation informed as we go forward. Pastor will be away on vacation October 14-21st. Pastor Gary Blobaum will be covering this absence for Pastor David.

Reports of Ministry Teams:
Staff Support – Staff Support met on August 14 to discuss the job description for the Director of Youth and Family Ministry position. Bryan and Christina Metze from Staff Support Team attended the September 4th council meeting to review and provide input for the job description of Director of Youth and Family Ministries position. A motion was made and unanimously approved by Council to accept and fill this position. This proposal will be presented to our congregation for a vote scheduled for September 30, 2018.

Spiritual Life – Pastor asked that the LBW remain in the pews for awhile. This will help relieve the task of transporting the books back and forth. Pastor suggested that there needs to be further conversation on the LBW vs the ELW in the pew. Brenda Smith will begin sending out monthly reminders for those that are serving assistants each Sunday. Altar Guild feels that these will serve as friendly reminders to those that have volunteered. Laurie Lackey and the Music Team will continue working on music for upcoming church services. We welcome anyone who wishes to join the team.

Short Term – Don Dease, in the near future, will be getting a parking lot repair proposal from SCE&G to the Building Team for their review.

Witness – Volunteers are needed to change the church sign. David has been very generous to volunteer his time for this important job, but would like some relief. Anyone that is interested can contact the church office.

Parish Life – The August Up and Going meeting was the “4 Churches Meeting” held on August 23, 2018. Mt. Tabor hosted the meeting and a delicious meal was served. 15 members and guests from St. Jacob’s attended the meeting.

Support of Ministries – Communications Secretary reported 358 total membership as of 09/03/2018. A motion was made and approved to purchase a new television and video camera. These devices will be set-up in the church by Brandon . This newly added technology will provide the nursery staff the opportunity to see and hear the Sunday message. Currently, the nursery speaker is no longer in working order.

Old Business:
Safety Team update – Gerald provided to each council member a draft of “St. Jacob’s Safety Policy” written by the Safety Team. Council should review and provide input at the next council meeting. Council will also follow-up at the next meeting regarding the copyright and streaming policies for St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church. Laurie is leading this effort.

New Business:
A motion was made and approved for the Property Team to get pricing on various kitchen improvements for St. Jacob’s Church. The Property Team will report back with their ideas as well as pricing on these items.
Facility Request: August 4, 2019-The Addy Family Reunion and October 29, 2018- 3pm-7pm-Hannah Coker Blood Drive—
Both Approved