Council Briefs

Council noted Good Things at St. Jacob’s this month included that the Thanksgiving Eve service was very good. The altar
arrangement was beautiful for the Thanksgiving Eve service. A special thank you to Robin & Gerald Lindler for preparing the
harvest arrangement. The Wednesday morning Bible study is continuing to be enjoyed by those attending. Others are
encouraged to come join this group on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. There was over 300 slices of cake collected for
the HUB. Another thank you to Angela and Laurie for your continuing success with the new Children’s Choir. Everyone is
enjoying hearing all these LITTLE people carry a BIG sound!

Pastor Report- Pastor David noted that he recently attended a meeting for the NALC in Hickory, NC.
Pastor David announced that December 2nd was his one year anniversary at St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church. Pastor said he has really enjoyed his last year with the church and looks forward to where we are headed as a congregation.

Pastor David also attended a PCAT Workshop at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Salisbury, NC. This meeting focused on restructuring the NALC. Pastor David feels that we need to get the message regarding the NALC to our local community. We are partners of these congregations.

Pastor David noted two important dates. Pastor will hold Service for the “Longest Night” on December 19th. Pastor David said that he enjoys doing this service every year and he will look at moving it to the traditional date of December 21st for the following year. We were unable to accommodate the traditional December 21st date for this service in 2018. There will also be a first time ever Christmas morning service on December 25th. Pastor David will continue this Christmas morning service every year at St. Jacob’s Church. He is very excited about bringing this special service into St. Jacob’s.

There were several members of Council whose term ended in December 2018. Pastor David gave each one of these Council members a thank you gift and thanked each Council member for their service and dedication to St. Jacob’s Church.

Staff Support– The Team is continuing to advertise the position for Director of Youth and Family Ministries. The first job candidate was interviewed by the Interview Committee on November 27, 2018. More interviews are being scheduled with additional candidates.

Spiritual Life- The Worship and Music Team have finalized the plans for the Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the December 30th services. The Worship and Music Team met to discuss and clarify the role of the team and the tasks ahead for 2019.

Short Term- The kitchen improvements will begin in January 2019. The cabinet alteration and kitchen flooring will most likely be the first project that takes place on the construction schedule. (THE KITCHEN WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR USE BEGINNING JANUARY 14 UNTIL THE END OF FEBRUARY.)

The digital sign will take 6-8 weeks to be constructed off-site and then will be installed on the existing brick structure.

The stained glass windows covering project has been completed. Thanks to Chad Lindler for recommending that the gutters be cleaned out during this project!

Parish Life- The Up and Going Group enjoyed an early Thanksgiving meal on November 15, 2018. A group of 23 members and guests enjoyed a meal at Shealy’s BBQ in Batesburg-Leesville. Helen Lindler provided the devotion. A very special thank you to Gerald Lindler for driving the bus!

Support of Ministries- Brandon Slice continues to work on getting pricing on the phone and internet service for St. Jacob’s Church. Brandon will install the video system for the church nursery in the next 2 weeks. Brandon is also continuing to research video recording opportunities for the church shut-ins.