Pastoral Devoation for February

Bearing Witness to God’s Love

John 10:19-42
There is an old saying that suggests actions speak louder than words. When people say “I love you,” the evidence is not in their spoken words, but their acts of kindness. Absent of any display of affection or selfless deeds saying “I love you” is simply an empty exchange of words.

As Jesus lived among God’s people, he proclaimed the fullness of God’s love. However, it is through his many signs and wonders that our Lord makes the Father’s love known in real and visible ways. Foretold by the prophets of long ago, Jesus’ teaching and his miraculous works point to him as God’s Messiah. Still, the Pharisees and scribes would have none of this.

“How long will you keep us in suspense?” “Why do you not tell us plainly?” Jesus had already given the answer, but they refused to believe, even as they’ve seen the evidence with their own eyes. Such hardened hearts are not capable of belief because they do not understand love.

Our works contribute nothing towards our salvation. Yet, as believers in Christ Jesus, our works do bear witness to the love God has for his people. Jesus calls us to a life of love for God and neighbor. When one says “I love God” or “I love my neighbor” he can only be believed when his actions match his words. Without such works, saying “I love God and neighbor” is yet one more empty exchange.

Lord Jesus, make our actions toward others match our words of love, that all may come to see your goodness and mercy. Amen.