Summary of NALC Week

The annual NALC Lutheran Week was held in  Indianapolis during the week of August 5TH—9TH with the theme of Walking in the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.  The week’s events began with the NALC Youth Symposium during which Pastor and Directors of Youth and Family Ministry met to discuss, learn and implement strategies and  methods for leading our youth and families in their walk toward greater discipleship.  Rachel Shelton will  provide a summary of the Youth Symposium within this newsletter. 

As a continuing education opportunity for clergy and church professionals, a Theological Conference took place on Tuesday and Wednesday.  The theme for the conference followed the theme for the Lutheran Week and focused on the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of God’s people today.  Several theologians provided lectures and panel discussions supporting topics such as Why Has the Holy Spirit Disappeared from Lutheranism and The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Stuff of the World. 

On Wednesday afternoon and evening, delegates and visitors to the Lutheran Week event participated in a brief mission intensive.  The focus of this event was upon mission districts, congregations and individuals exploring the mission to which God calls them.  Followers of Jesus Christ are encouraged to grow in their discipleship through mission and the study of God’s Word. 

The highlight of the week took place Friday with the election of our new NALC Bishop The Rev. Dan Selbo.  Twelve clergy members of the NALC were nominated with the election coming on the fourth ballot.  Other elections were held for the NALC Executive Council, NALC Court of Adjudication, and the adoption of the 2020 NALC Operating Budget.  A full summary of Convocation actions may be found on the NALC website

As always, it is a pleasure to serve Christ’s Church, the NALC and especially our congregation during events such as Lutheran Week.  Our lay delegate Larry will also provide insight to his experiences during the convocation.  I would also express my thanks to Rachel for her tireless participation throughout the week.  As a confident and faithful leader, Rachel continues to gain valuable insight concerning her new role as Director of Youth and Family Ministry at St. Jacob’s.