St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Congregational Meeting and Council Reports

Council noted Good Things at St. Jacob’s this month included that the October fest was a big success. Everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy the German food that was prepared. The congregational meeting on September 30th went well. St. Jacob’s looks forward to bringing on a new Director of Youth and Family Ministries. The Youth choir is doing an excellent job under the direction of Angela and Laurie. They make a dynamic team and the children are singing so well! A special thank you is extended to Angela and Laurie for your continued work with the newly formed Youth Choir.

Pastor Report- Pastor David noted that South Carolina is now the largest (46 congregations) geographic area in the
NALC. South Carolina will elect its own Dean and each region will have their own Dean. Pastor commented that by
dividing into more regions this will reduce the Bishop’s travel during the year.

Pastor David was very pleased with October fest and hopes to continue this annual tradition at St. Jacob’s.

Pastor David would like to create a Disaster Response protocol for St. Jacob’s. This would require the church to gather materials to get to the various staging areas after catastrophic damage. The Disaster Relief Coordinator for the NALC is Ms. Mary Bates.

Staff Support- The Staff Support Team is advertising the position for Director of Youth and Family Ministries. The position is also listed on the St. Jacob’s website.

Spiritual Life- The donation from the Altar Guild for new communion ware was approved by Council. These new items were ordered from “CM Almy” and St. Jacob’s looks forward to the use of these new and improved pouring chalices
and flagon.

Short Term- Council approved that the settlement we receive for our damaged parking lot from SCE&G, be earmarked for the specific purpose of repairing and paving our parking lot in the future.
Parish Life- The Up and Going Group made their annual Apple Run trip on September 26, 2018. The group visited “Lyda Farms” in Hendersonville, NC. Lyda Farms is a 5th generation family farm that has been locally growing fruits and vegetables for 60 years. The St. Jacob’s Up and Going group enjoyed purchasing apples, cabbage, tomatoes and other goodies. A big thank you to Gerald Lindler for driving the group and helping unload all their many purchases!Support of

Ministries- Cemetery Team needs to schedule a work day for cemetery work. The volunteer turn-out for this specific work day needs to be excellent in order to accomplish all of the work that needs to be completed.

Statistical information- 356 total membership as of 10/10/2018

Advertising has aggressively started for the Director of Youth and Family Ministries position. Resumes are currently being collected and reviewed.
Brandon Slice is gathering various quotes for phone and internet service for St. Jacob’s. Brandon is also in the process of setting up a place in the nursery to view the weekly sermons. Brandon noted that he will need assistance with pulling some wire for this project. Thanks to Brandon Slice for all your many efforts with this project!

The Safety Team is in process of composing a “St. Jacob’s Safety Policy” for Council review. This will include medical, fire, intrusion, and child protection type emergencies.
The Property and Building Team are working together to gather quotes and ideas for some new kitchen improvements at St. Jacob’s Church.

New Business:
The Budget Team is in process of composing the 2019 St. Jacob’s budget.
Council approved for continuance of the current cleaning contract for St. Jacob’s Church.
Council will begin obtaining nominees to serve on the 2019-2021 Council for St. Jacob’s Church.