Other Happenings Archive
March News Letter
Posted February 27, 2025 By adminWe Care Center
Posted February 15, 2025 By adminMost Needed
1. Peanut butter and jelly
2. Corn Muffin Mix
3. Spaghetti sauce
4. Boxed pasta
5. Instant Potatoes
6. Granola bars/snack crackers
7. Canned Meat(vienna, chicken, etc)
8. Oatmeal
9. Pork and Beans
10. Canned peas
We also ALWAYS need dish soap, laundry detergent!
2025 Congo Mission Trip
Posted February 15, 2025 By adminAs we all will remember, I was not able to make my mission trip to Congo last summer due to health reasons. Well, thanks be to God, I am finally able to resume my mission work with my partner Pastor Stephane Kalonji in Congo.
Our trip is scheduled to commence on Monday, June 30th. We will fly from Houston, TX to Kinshasa and arrive there on Tuesday evening, July 1st. Our mission work will include a visit with the Lutheran congregation in Mbuji Mayi where we will be able to see the progress of construction of the new parish building we are making possible through grants and donations. While in that province, we will again visit the village of Merode where, last summer, the children learned a song in English to serenade me with. I can’t wait to hear these children raise their voices to God in a language I can understand.
My portion of the mission trip will conclude on July 14th and I will return to Chapin on July 15th. As always, I will take your prayers with me and be surrounded by the love and support of so many who have supported the Congo Mission over the years.
The Great Chili Cook-Off
Posted February 14, 2025 By adminIt’s been a while since we crowned June Lindler St. Jacob’s Chili Cook-Off Champion. Now she has the opportunity to defend her title. On Sunday, February 23rd at 5:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall, Pastor David and the St. Jacob’s Youth will host another Great Chili Cook-Off to raise funds for his upcoming mission trip to Congo. Everyone is invited to participate, the more the merrier. The winner will be determined by the number of “Congo Bucks” raised by that particular pot of chili. Everyone who would like to cast their vote may exchange their good old American greenbacks for a fist full of “Congo Bucks.” The winner of the challenge will receive the coveted Chili Champion trophy, a championship apron, and bragging rights as St. Jacob’s Chili Champion for 2025. Come join the fun and enjoy some wonderful fellowship and delicious chili.
Music Notes
Posted February 10, 2025 By adminOur youngest choristers are busy busy bees this month learning about Epiphany and the beatitudes. Or as we like to spell it the Bee-atitudes. They will be sharing Jesus’s message of blessings with the congregation in a couple of weeks. If you see one of our children’s choir members, ask them to tell you about the meaning of the words epiphany or beatitudes. I’m sure they can tell you. They are also beginning to ring handbells. It’s a favorite activity for everyone.
Just a reminder of our weekly schedule:
- Chancel choir – Wednesdays 6:00-7:00PM
- Children’s choir – Sundays 3:00-3:45 PM
- Handbell rehearsals – Sundays 4:00-5:00 PM
- Youth choir – Sundays 5:00-5:30 PM Please come and join us!
Adult Confirmation
Posted February 7, 2025 By adminSeveral members of our congregation were not raised in the Lutheran Church and have asked questions regarding Lutheran tradition. Beginning on Monday, February 17th, Pastor David will offer an Adult Confirmation experience for anyone who is interested in growing their knowledge of Lutheran teaching and practice. We will meet in the church office classroom beginning at 6:45 PM for about an hour or so. Please contact Pastor David if you are interested in participating.
Up and Going
Posted February 5, 2025 By adminHappy New Year to you all. The Up and Going met on Thursday, January 9th for the annual Soup Pot Lunch and Bingo Party. Twelve members and guests attended. Helen, Team Leader, welcomed everyone. Get well cards were signed for Marie, Joan and Gary, Debbie and Mrs. Miriam.
Devotions Bible reading was 2nd Corinthians 5:17 and the reading “The Old Is Gone” from Portals of Prayer. Helen read a “Take Time” for a full life article and the Pastor’s Prayer for the New Year. Helen also read an article entitled “Don’t Waste It” from ICL magazine. Devotions ended with all praying together The Lord’s Prayer.
Business was conducted.
Everyone brought items for the soup pot and Ann Lindler turned them into a delicious pot of beef vegetable soup. There is absolutely nothing better on a cold day. Lunch was soup, miniature cornbread muffins, saltines, pimento cheese sandwiches, homemade pimento cheese and crackers, brownies and chocolate cake. Oh, so good.
Each person brought gifts for BINGO and our table of gifts filled quickly. After lunch, everyone quickly gathered to play BINGO. We played until all prizes were gone. Everyone won at least 3 times. Winning was fun but the laughter and fellowship was the best part. Thank you to everyone for everything you brought and for always helping to clean up and put everything back in order.
The February meeting will begin in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 AM with devotions and business. Afterwards we will travel by cars to have lunch at The Golden Bay Restaurant in Irmo. Then we will visit St. Andrews Plants and Ollie’s. Look forward to seeing you at our Valentine’s Day Lunch.
Team Leader for Up and Going
Pastoral Devotion for February
Posted February 3, 2025 By adminConsider Jesus
Read John 2:13-22, Hebrews 3:1-11
Everyone has at least one bad habit, one particular vice that keeps us from getting the proper amount of rest, nutrition, or exercise. Left unchecked, such habits can lead us along a path of poor health, sickness, even death. We know better, but we just can’t stop. On New Year’s Eve, many people made resolutions so that they may resolve some of these detrimental habits. But now here we are at the beginning of February, and I wonder, how many of these resolutions are still kept?
The same can be said for the healthiness of our faith. As worldly powers pull and tug at God’s people, healthy habits of faith often succumb to unhealthy bad habits. Time for reading Holy Scripture is often replaced by work or play. Gathering with the faithful for worship often becomes less appealing than a social gathering with friends or the entertainment of some event. Soon, the people of God grow weak in their faith; it becomes difficult to articulate what it means that Jesus endured the tragedy of the cross for our sake.
The author of Hebrews calls Christians to spiritual revitalization. He encourages us to consider all that God has done and continues to do through Christ our Lord. John reminds us that even the temple needed cleansing. We may not need to turn over tables, but certainly there is room in each life for recommitment to faithful living. Through the power of prayer, it can be so.
Help us, O Lord, to overcome that which hinders our faith, that we might seek you always. Amen.
St. Jacob’s Youth
Posted February 1, 2025 By adminWe kicked off a new year of youth activities in January with a campfire, games, and most especially smores. We had a great turn out with 14 kids participating. We celebrated Jesus as the light of the world. We roasted hotdogs over the fire, held an epiphany themed scavenger hunt by flashlight, shared devotions around the fire and finished up making smores.
Youth group will be the last Sunday of each month. In February, we will celebrate the month of love by sharing the love of Christ throughout the world. Along with Pastor David, we will host the chili cook-off on February 23rd at 5:00 PM to raise money for Congo International to allow our pastor and Pastor Kalonji to take the Word of God to people in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Come out and support our youth and this important ministry of our church.
Isabelle and Daniel will represent our youth members this year on the Youth Council. The Youth Council will meet on Wednesday, February 12th at 7:00 PM in the church office to plan activities for the upcoming year.