Worship and Music News

August is Homecoming month (can y’all believe it’s August already?!?) and plans are in the works for a wonderful service on the 26th. To start with, for the entire month of August we will return to using the Lutheran Book of Worship (or as we know it – “The Green Book”) and the With One Voice hymnals. Many of the favorite hymns that have been put into the Pick a Hymn box come from the LBW and WOV books, so we have a nice selection to choose from for August music.
We like to invite any former choir members to join us this month as we prepare for the Homecoming service. After taking the past several weeks off from practice, a choir social was held on July 25th. We enjoyed homemade ice cream and fellowshipped. Regular practices begin on August 1st. We’d love to see some new faces in with the returning singers!
Parents of children in kindergarten through 5th grade, please note that we will resume Sunday afternoon practices following Labor Day; in the meantime, I am still meeting with them before Sunday School each Sunday.
As always, I thank you for your support of the music ministry at St. Jacob’s.

Soli Deo Gloria