Worship and Music News

The first half of 2019 sure has flown by. We’ve had a busy year so far in the music department.

We started the year by presenting an Epiphany mini-cantata with the combined choirs of St. Jacob’s and New Hope. Angela and I have continued working with the Children’s Choir to develop not only their musical abilities, but also to foster their desire to serve the Lord with their gifts and talents. We have had illnesses and surgeries within the Handbell Choir membership and have had to make adjustments to cover the vacancies. We began a Wednesday evening service to offer another opportunity for worship; a time in the middle of the week to take a deep breath and remember that God has us in the palm of His hand.

As we enter into the Sundays after Pentecost (affectionately known by some as ‘the long green season’), we are looking ahead to the fall and exploring possibilities that will enhance our worship. For the immediate future, our summer anthems will be some of the favorite hymns that were submitted last summer (we ran out of summer Sundays before we ran out of favorite hymns!) and the Handbell 101 class will continue through the month of August for anyone interested in the history of handbells, anyone who would like to learn to play handbells or anyone who would like to refresh their ringing skills.

As always, many thanks to the congregation for your amazing support of the music ministry.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Laurie Lackey