Delegate’s Report on The 2019 NALC Convocation
First, I wish to thank each one of you for allowing me to be your delegate to the 2019 NALC National Convocation held in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was a tremendous honor and privilege to serve you in this capacity, and a great thrill to be a part of the body electing our new Bishop, Rev. Dan Selbo.
The theme of the Convocation was “WALKING by the SPIRIT with the FRUIT of the SPIRIT” with Scriptural reference to Galatians 5:16, 22-23.
The opening Service of the Word was given by the Rt. Rev. Dr Alex Mkumbo, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. Bishop Mkumbo was born into a Muslim family and converted to Christianity after encountering the Word of God, particularly John 3:16. I must admit to you that his brogue was very hard to understand, especially as he became extremely enthusiastic in his sermon.)
The Plenary Session was the Mission Festival with the Keynote Address given by the Rev. Yonas Yigezu, President of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus. Prior to being elected Bishop in 2017, Rev. Yonas was director for mission and theology. The EECMY became a national church in 1959, and by the end of 2016 had grown to 8.3 million members in more than 8,500 congregations throughout their country. It is the largest Lutheran church in the world.
Rev. Yonas’ message was “Can You be Charismatic and Lutheran? (A ‘charismatic church’ is one in which the members are extraordinarily blessed with the power of the Holy Spirt.) Rev. Yonas gave four signs of a truly charismatic church;
- God’s people are devoted to the Scriptures and KNOW THEM!
- God’s people are devoted to fasting and prayer,
- God’s people enjoy a strong fellowship together, and
- God’s people share the Gospel and their Faith with all they meet.
Quite an inspiring message.
Following the keynote there was a Panel Discussion with questions being texted to the moderator, Rev. Tony Ede, with panelists The Rev. John Bradosky, The Rev. Dr. Joel Lehenbauer (LCMS), The Rt. Rev. Dr. Mkumbo, and The Rev. Yonas Yigezu. The theme of discussion was “How do we Walk by the Spirit with the Fruit of the Spirit.” (Without writing several pages on this discussion, you can find the panel discussion on the NALC Facebook page.)
Following the panel discussion there were Breakout sessions on Missions (3), Life-to-Life Discipleship, New Starts in the NALC, The Word of God at Work Around the World, Small and Rural Churches, Stewardship, and others. (I chose the Stewardship presentation.)
In the final session of the day, each of our 30 Mission Districts gathered in meetings with Bible study and discussion on disciple making based on our theme “Walking in the Spirit with the Fruit of the Spirit, and updates particular to our district.
The NALC Convocation began on Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m. and ended Friday afternoon with closing worship and the installation service for the newly elected Bishop, Rev. Dan Selbo. In addition to the election for the Bishop, business consisted of presentations from the various ministries and ministry partners of the NALC, and a presentation of the Financial Report by Treasurer Ryan Schwarz, and adoption of the budget for year 2019/2020. I must bring to your attention that the giving to the NALC by the congregations is falling below the amount needed, with the shortages being taken from some quite generous one-time gifts made during the first years of our existence. The Finance Committee is working feverishly to balance the budget with what is received, but the needs are great. I am pleased to remind you that Saint Jacob’s gives proportionally to the NALC and we continue to encourage other congregations to do the same. (I would also encourage each of you to make a special offering during the year designated to the NALC to help overcome the shortage.)
In closing, I ask that each of you pray daily for newly elected Bishop Dan Selbo and his family, and all the leadership of the NALC. Again, my thanks for the opportunity to serve you, and I would like to encourage all of you to get more involved in the gatherings of the Carolinas Mission District (soon to be Region) and the annual NALC Convocation. I would be most happy to talk with any of you who are interested in getting more involved, and I promise that you will find it enjoyable and rewarding.
Your Servant in Christ, Larry