Up and Going

The 2019 4 Churches meeting was held on August 22nd  at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, in downtown Little Mountain.  

Upon arrival, we found the New Life Center was decorated with beautiful sunflower arrangements, inviting each person to come on in and prepare to have a good time together.  The Theme for the day was Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often; To laugh through life is to live with smiles in your heart and enjoy life.  

We were heartily welcomed by President Janet Fulmer.  Each Church was introduced, with   St. Jacob’s having 18 in attendance. Devotions included reading of a poem by Irma Bombeck entitled Live Life, We then sang “Love Lifted Me”, followed by a reading reminding us that God has a sense of humor and that God laughs at OUR plans. The devotions concluded with prayer. Pastor Brett Collins welcomed us and gave the meal blessing.    

A bountiful, delicious meal with lots of salads, vegetables, casseroles and country fried steak with rice and gravy (provided by Holy Trinity) was enjoyed by all. 

Entertainment was provided by Pastor Jackie Utley of Ascension Lutheran Church and Pastor Jason Shafer of St. Luke Lutheran.  Pastor Jason played the guitar and Pastor Jackie played the tambourine and lead the singing, and sing we did!  Some songs were in honor of Woodstock’s 50th Anniversary and some were just for fun.  We learned a new song… The Butter Bean Song.  It was different but So funny. We laughed, sang then laughed some more.  Prizes were given throughout the gathering. 

The meeting closed and we departed with smiles on our faces and love in our hearts. We   have enjoyed the company of old friends, made new friends and simply enjoyed each other’s company.  The 2020 meeting will be hosted by Macedonia.  

Remember:  Snoopy says:  Good Laughs and long sleep makes all things better. 

September is the Annual Apple Run……more details to follow.