Duty and Delight

Along with many of you, my list of responsibilities seem to grow larger each day. We all have obligations that we must fill in our families, in the workplace and at home. Are these meant to be our primary duties? What about our duties and obligations to God and His church? We fill the needs in our homes, with cleaning, cooking, laundry and lawn care. All these things seem to keep our lives in order. What of our spiritual lives and our duties to the Kingdom of God? You can find the word “duty” often in scripture. In Luke 17:10, Jesus said, “so you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, “We are unworthy servants, we have only done what was our duty.”

As Christians, we should take delight in our obligations. “It is our duty and delight that we should everywhere and always offer thanks and praise to you, O God, through Jesus Christ …” We should always strive to serve our Lord with a joyful heart. The more that we actively serve, the closer we walk with Jesus. Membership of a congregation carries responsibility. We are the body of Christ, and all parts must work together to know and show Christ’s love in every aspect of our lives.

Duty and delight seem to work best when paired together. I encourage you to find delight in even the most mundane chores. I give praise to God for the beautiful family that he has given me to care for. When I carry that thought with me, I can find joy in all my daily obligations. We should do the same in the responsibilities that we have in serving God. I thank God for our church and the people who worship and serve with us.

This month is stewardship month. As we begin to hand out the time and talent sheets, I urge you to follow what you are called to do. We all have God given talents and we would love to know how you can share yours.


Stewardship Team