Youth Director & Family Ministries

The second annual Oktoberfest Fall Festival is in the books! Despite the rain, which moved a few activities indoors, it was a great day spent with our church family. I wanted to especially thank everyone who helped out, I couldn’t have done it without you! While reflecting on the week, I was reminded just how lucky I am to have a home at St. Jacob’s. I have shared with a number of you the many life transitions that I am currently going through and love getting to hear about the times when many of you were where I am. The thing I have learned the most over the past couple of months is that change can be a good thing. God is continuously changing us and molding us to ultimately be like Him. Even though this may not always be comfortable or line up with where we think our lives are going, we can rest in the fact that He has a plan.

The good thing is that He gives us each other to walk through these things with. We can bear one another’s burdens, overlook faults, let offenses go quickly, react out of love, show support, and be there to help or maybe just hold. During these times, we are being molded by God Himself and the Word says He will return for a Church without spot or wrinkle, therefore we need to go through the fire, of refinement, we need to press in and through times of change. I want to encourage you with this: if you’re going through a transition season, do not let your heart be troubled, see the good, hold fast to the truth of the Word and the promises of God, and press into your family at St. Jacob’s. Let’s enter this next season like never before. If you have a need, allow someone to meet it. If you want to bless someone, absolutely go for it. If you have an unsolved issue with a brother or sister, take it to the cross and then to that person for forgiveness. It’s refining season and I believe we will begin to see the fruit of accepting these changes in and around us.

Grace & Peace,

Rachel Shelton