Music Update

As we begin the discernment of our music program and embark on a search for a new Music Director, it should go without saying that our two Sundays during which our congregation sang everything without benefit of the organ or piano were simply wonderful examples of our ability to sing. St. Jacob’s is filled with people who, when all singing together, are able to make a very joyful sound as we sing God’s praises.

We are blessed in that we do have supply organists scheduled for our upcoming weeks. Our services of worship will be enhanced by each one. I do pray that, even as we welcome musicians to accompany us, our singing will continue to be cheerful and bold. For me as your pastor, as I stand in the Chancel each week, there is no sound so sweet as the sound of the congregation singing the hymns and liturgies of the church.

In the times ahead, I will do all I can to keep the congregation up to date as to the progress of our search for a new music director. In the meantime, pray for the Staff Support Team, our choir and other musicians as we all work together to identify the one God has chosen to lead us musically.