Congo Missions Update

There have been some wonderful developments concerning the Congo Mission as of late. In November, Pastor Stéphane Kalonji and I submitted paperwork to incorporate what is now known as Congo Mission International. Having received information that incorporation has been granted, the next step was to submit the application for tax exempt status.

I am pleased to inform you that Congo Mission International has been granted 501(c)(3) tax exempt status by the United States Internal Revenue Service. These are exciting times for us as we do the work God sets before us. Yet, it goes without saying, the work in God’s mission field is never complete. I would invite you to continue to support the Congo Mission through your benevolent offerings and by attending special fund-raising events during the year. I will be working with several people at St. Jacob’s to schedule a fund-raising dinner for our congregation and also the community around us. Please keep Congo Mission International and the good folks we minister to in Africa in your prayers.