Pastoral Devotion for April
Who Will Roll Away the Stone?
Read Mark 16:1-8
Oh, the things we forget when we have a job to do. Oh, the details we overlook. Early in the morning, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome were heading to Jesus’ tomb to complete the burial rite. It was only along the way that they thought about the boulder which sealed Christ’s tomb. Who would move it? Indeed, who would remove the obstacle standing between the women and their Lord? Image their reaction when they saw this barrier was already overcome.
Jesus, the one who was crucified was no longer among the dead. Jesus, the one who lived a life without sin, yet died for the sins of others, was raised by the hand of God. In death, Jesus conquered death. Through his resurrection, Jesus opened the way of everlasting life for all believers. The great barrier, the sin of the world, is overcome by the love of God in Christ Jesus. This is the good news of Easter.
In Christ, the great barrier which once stood be-tween God and humanity no longer exists. Even as we are consumed with our worry, our business and our consumption, God’s grace is made certain for all who believe. In Christ, we are forgiven. And because he lives, we shall live also.
Prayer: All praise and honor and glory be to you, O God, for Christ has triumphed over sin and the grave. Amen.