Upon Our Return

The following is a list of things, I (Pastor David) will be working on and suggesting upon our return to activity at St. Jacob’s.

Continued live streaming of our worship services – This will require St. Jacob’s to purchase further licensing so that we can have permission to include music and liturgies in their fullest form for our live and recorded services.

Online Bible studies – I will be looking for ways to share a more interactive Bible study once a week. Possibilities include internet services such a Zoom TM or possibly conference calls.

Safer and healthier practices for worship – I will be working with the Worship and Music Team to explore ways of keeping our congregation safe by limiting the possibility for transmitting coronavirus, flu and other germs.

More congregational focus on our home bound members – This could include the development of a lay visitation team made up of volunteers who check-in on our shut-in members frequently.

Daily video check-in and devotions – This will likely take place in the morning sometime around 9:00 AM on our Facebook page.

These are just a few of the things that have been running through my mind during our time of social distancing. The goal is to strengthen our sense of community among our church family and to begin providing a more consistent witness to the Gospel to Chapin and the surrounding area.