Archive for August, 2020

Pastoral Devotion For August

Posted August 1, 2020 By admin

Taking Rest With The Lord
Read Mark 6:30-46
The world is a busy place. Schedules and agendas are packed so tightly that, if left unchecked, they will do their best to consume people. Once a task is completed or an experience had, there is always something else waiting in line; one more thing to do. It is little wonder that by the end of the day, so many people feel emotionally, physically, and spiritually drained.
When Jesus’ twelve disciples completed their mission of the gospel, they returned to their Lord filled with excitement, but none the less for wear. Wearied from their work, Jesus invited them to come away to a desolate place to rest. There, they might hope to reflect on all they accomplished while getting some much-needed rest.
It is the same for today’s disciple. To take rest with the Lord means to be refreshed by his Word, to be fed with his supper, and to enjoy the closeness of God our Father. This is the benefit of worship and prayer. To rest is to take advantage of each opportunity to draw closer to God and hear his Word. In this way, we are refreshed in mind, body and spirit. Thanks be to God.
Prayer: Let us rest in you, O Lord, that we may be ready and able to do the work of your gospel. Amen.