The Courage Center

Council voted to open our doors to The Courage Center (TCC) so that they could establish a meeting place in Chapin. What is The Courage Center? The Courage Center provides a safe, supportive, recovery-focused setting for young people and families on their journey to recover from substance misuse or substance use disorder. There was a need for a meeting location in the Chapin area. Many families in the Chapin/Newberry to Chapin/Dutch Fork/ Irmo vicinities were traveling to Lexington. During the midst of the COVID crisis and the civil unrest, The Courage Center saw some real, tangible signs that there are families in greater need of support and assistance.
• Overdose incidents in Lexington County are higher than the state average at 15 per week.
• The Lexington County Coroner’s office shared that although there was a 40% reduction in fatal overdoses from March through May 2019 compared to 2018. During that same time period in 2020, there was a 200% increase.
• Fatal overdoes, of young people under 30 years old, have seen a 50% increase over 2019.
St. Jacob’s is meeting this tremendous community need. The Courage Center meets in our Fellowship Hall each Thursday at 7:00 PM. As we have posted, no one with symptoms in the past 24 hours or knowingly been in contact with anyone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19, can enter into the building. They use a no-contact digital forehead thermometer, nitrile gloves, face masks, and hand sanitizers upon entrance into the fellowship hall. All participants have to complete the Safety Precaution Form to attend the meeting. They have plenty of room to social distance. All PPE supplies are provided by TCC. After the meeting, they wipe down and sanitize the chairs, doorknobs, etc. in the Fellowship Hall before leaving. We ask that you lift The Courage Center and families in prayer.
Sherrie McTeer
Council President