The Blessing Basket

Before the COVID-19 virus caused us to suspend in person worship, children would come forward for a brief children’s sermon with me. As they came, they would bring their offerings and put them in what you have known as the “Pickle Jar.” The premise was that the monies collected could be used for people who find themselves “in a pickle.” During the past several months, I have thought about what we might be teaching our children concerning providing for those in need. To make this more memorable and to apply bible teaching for our children, I have retired the Pickle Jar and replaced it with the “Blessing Basket.”
You will recall that as Jesus fed the 5000 multiplying the loaves and fishes, twelve baskets full were collected after everyone had eaten their fill. These baskets teach us about the abundance God provides even through the smallest of gifts.
Our children’s offerings resemble those loaves and fish. They are modest offerings to be sure. To think such a small amount can make a difference in someone’s life just doesn’t add up. But you know what? God’s math never adds up…it multiplies!
On October 4th, we will resume children’s sermons during the 10:30 AM service. I will use the Blessing Basket to collect the children’s offering as they come forward. Each month there will be a specific ministry that the children’s offering will support. At the end of the month, we will add it all up and see just what God has multiplied. October’s ministry will be We Care. Together, we can teach our children how God provides loaves and fishes and how his disciples distribute them to those in need of God’s blessing.