Youth Director & Family Ministries

Welcome Sarah Masterson

I’m excited to announce our first fellowship event post COVID-19. As you all know, we will be welcoming our new Organist, Sarah, on October 4th. In order to welcome her to our Church family, please join us for a cookout following the 10:30 AM service. We will all have the opportunity to meet Sarah and fellowship with one another after being apart for so long. All food and drinks will be provided and social distancing will be observed. Thank you for joining me in welcoming Sarah to St. Jacob’s. I look forward to seeing you there!

Trunk Or Treat

Our new youth committee met together for the first time in September. Moving forward, we will work together to plan events and share ideas for the advancement of our youth and family ministries. While planning for the remainder of the year, we have decided that October would be a great time to start meeting again as a church family! I would love to invite you to join us on October 31st from 5—7 PM for TRUNK OR TREAT at ST. JACOB’S! Anyone participating needs to be at the bus shed parking lot between 4 and 4:30 PM. Come, decorate your car, and fill it with candy.

Grace & Peace,
