In Person and Online Sunday School

In person Sunday School will begin on Sunday, November 1st. We will begin with two classes. The first class will be for children up to middle school. The class will be taught by Rachel and Sherrie and will meet in the Sunday School wing downstairs. The second class will be for Adults and high school students. This class will be led by Pastor David and will meet in the Fellowship Hall. This will be the format through December 31st. In person Sunday School will begin at 9:40 AM each week.
For those who are not yet returning to in person worship or Sunday School, the online lessons will continue on our St. Jacob’s Facebook page. These lessons are posted at 8:00 AM on Sunday morning. The current list of lessons focuses on several familiar Bible stories of the Old Testament. Please enjoy these and other St. Jacob’s online offerings such as Bible studies and devotions as you are able.