From the Pastor’s Heart by Pastor David Nuottila

I seldom make New Year resolutions, but this year I believe I will be making an exception. As we begin our fourth year together and look forward to continuing our ministry of the Gospel, I’m personally looking forward to working with our ministry team leaders and their respective teams. I believe we have reached a point in our time together where God is calling us to a wider vision and to a greater purpose as a congregation and church family.
For starters, it will be interesting to find where God is leading us in our worship and music program. The COVID pandemic will not last forever and soon it will be time to reassemble our choirs. We might ask, “Where do we encounter the risen Christ and how do we make his presence known through the music of St. Jacob’s?” “Where is God in our Children’s and Adult choir rehearsals and anthems?” How will we glorify God through hand bell choirs, guitars and other instruments?” These are good questions, and our Worship and Music ministry team will play an important role in listening for God’s answers.
And what of our Outreach Ministry team? There are important questions surrounding our love and care for our neighbors in their physical and spiritual needs. It is time to discern the ways in which we might make Christ known in the lives of others. Are we following Jesus as he leads us into the world? How is it that each one of our church family members is actively participating in the ministry of St. Jacob’s? Feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, giving aid to the poor and welcoming the stranger are all everyday tasks within the Christian vocation. It is what Jesus means when he says “take up your cross and follow me.”
What is the goal of our Christian education program? God calls us to go into the world making disciples, teaching all that he has commanded. Is this the Great Commission we understand when we gather to make plans for the next Vacation Bible School or Sunday school curriculum? Or are we simply satisfied to maintain the status quo and do things we have always done them? Where is God when we offer Bible studies or workshops? Is he calling you to greater participation? God calls us all to grow in faith through hearing His Word. Perhaps some might consider (and I hope you will) becoming a teacher of the faith or a disciple in training.
Then we have our youth program. Where is God as we raise our youngest members in faith? Certainly, God calls each one of us to be mentors for our children, and we promise we will do these things as we baptize. We are all called to be teachers of the faith, mentors helping them grow and supporters of their mission and efforts as they find their purpose in God’s kingdom. Where is God as we help our children grow as disciples?
Finally, how do we acknowledge God’s presence as we do the work of leadership within our congregation? When we make decisions that involve our time, talent, and treasure, are we making them with God’s purposes in mind? Or are we simply trying to figure out the best way of doing things as simply as possible without causing too much disturbance while keeping a close eye on the budget? As we perform maintenance and repair, make plans for future upgrades or simply preserve that which we already have, we are to accomplish our work while understanding every corner, nook and cranny of St. Jacob’s is the temple of God set aside for worship and prayer. How do we use every inch of what we have, on both sides of the street, to proclaim Christ crucified and risen? Truly I tell you, it makes a difference. Asking “Where is God in all this?” brings all of us to the point of realizing that nothing we have actually belongs to us. God is the Creator and Owner. Our gracious God blesses his people with everything imaginable to accomplish the task he sets before us. Asking “Where is God in all this focuses people on the very point that our mission is to do God’s mission.
It is the beginning of a new year, the onset of another chapter in the life of our congregation. More than this, it is time to begin preparing St. Jacob’s for a greater purpose and presence in the life of Christ’s church on earth. I’m looking forward to seeing these days unfold. I’m excited at the possibilities we have before us. Where is God in all this? He is right here in our midst. God is the one equipping and empowering us with gifts beyond measure, that we might show others the wonders of his love in Christ Jesus. Happy New Year everyone, and may God continue to bless us as his servants of the gospel. Grace to you and peace,

Pastor David Nuottila