The Congo Mission

Initially, July 2021 was the scheduled date for my next Mission trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Sadly, as it has disrupted so much throughout the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced a change in schedule for my mission partner Pastor Kalonji and me. I will not be accompanying him to Congo this summer. Every other year, Pastor Kalonji travels to a region in Congo where we recognize, that due to many circumstances, it might not be wise for me to go. So Pastor Kalonji will make this year’s trip alone, according to our previous protocols.
Still, I will be active in the mission of the Gospel for the sake of the Christian people in Congo. My chief role continues to be that of raising awareness of this ministry and raising funds through partnerships with other congregations of the NALC. We have set a very ambitious itinerary for Pastor Kalonji’s trip in July. One that includes purchasing motorcycles for two pastors who serve on the Bishop’s staff in Congo. Transportation is extremely difficult in Congo and these two pastors must travel throughout the countryside in order to visit congregations under their charge. As we provide reliable transportation for them, they will be more effective in their mission and ministry.
Pastor Kalonji will also engage in the more regular aspects of our shared mission, namely, providing education for pastors and lay people, feeding orphaned children, and freeing mothers and their newly born babies from detention in hospitals due to lack of payment. This ministry is one that I am convinced God has called me to be a part of and I do so with joy. I also invite everyone at St. Jacob’s to participate with me in this mission through your donations and prayerful support.
Our goal for 2022 is to continue supplying food for children throughout the year as we have been doing. We also hope to bring two pastors from the Congo to the United States so they can visit with the congregations who have supported them for the past ten years of this mission. I am truly looking forward to introducing St. Jacob’s to my friends from the Congo; and I pray that you will help make this dream a reality. Thank you all again for your prayers and support for those brothers and sisters in Christ who are so far away.