From the Pastor’s Heart by Pastor David Nuottila

“And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Acts 2:21
In just a few short weeks, we will celebrate the day of Pentecost. Of course, this is the day when God poured out his Holy Spirit upon the apostles. It is also known to Christians as the birthday of the Church. There is no way the remaining eleven apostles could have understood that their proclamation of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, made to the people of Jerusalem, would be such a defining moment and set in motion a mission and ministry that would endure throughout the world for over two-thousand years. But here we are, that far removed from the day the Holy Spirit came upon those gathered together in prayer waiting, as Christ commanded, for “power from on high.” The power received by the apostles is the greatest power known to the earth. No other powers can stand against the power of God’s Holy Spirit nor can any earthly power take away the promise of God’s salvation, made certain and true, through the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
Surely, the powers that defy God continue to attempt to undo what God has done through Christ. The devil and his minions will hurl their fiery weapons at believers, but God will not allow those unto whom he has poured out his Spirit to falter. Even the COVID-19 pandemic that fell upon the whole earth was not strong enough to silence the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
One year ago, as you will recall, St. Jacob’s like so many congregations throughout the country had ceased meeting in public for worship. Our very first gathering since halting our weekly in person worship services was on Pentecost Sunday, May 31st. We gathered outside in the parking lot, heard God’s Word, sang our thankful praises, and celebrated Holy Communion. As we participated in our service, a number of cars, vans, and trucks passed by. Our worship service on that beautiful sunny day served as a visible reminder of God’s love for his people and that the proclamation of the Gospel cannot be silenced even by a world-wide pandemic. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the best news anyone could ever hope to receive. It is our story to tell, our life to share, and our hope for everlasting life in God’s kingdom of glory.
My prayer this Pentecost is that God would stir our congregation to such faithfulness that we cannot help but share the gospel of Christ Jesus, and that by the power of the Holy Spirit, we experience the disciples’ joy, living in the fullness of God’s grace, loving our neighbor and extending our Savior’s love to all who are in need. Like the apostles who first proclaimed this wonderful news of God’s grace, we must continue to provide such a faithful witness to the world and community around us. Who knows? In keeping with the rich tradition of the Church of Jesus Christ, as begun by those twelve ordinary men whom our Lord called to be apostles, the Good News we share just might live on in the hearts and minds of our neighbors here in Chapin, and become a power that not even the devil himself can oppose. This is the Pentecost message. That God has poured out his Holy Spirit upon all who are Baptized into the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Spirit will move as he will, transforming those who hear and respond to the Gospel.
Nearly two-thousand years ago it all began with twelve ordinary men whom Christ had chosen. And now it continues, for Christ has chosen you to be his witness to the world around you. God bless you as you live out your calling to be his disciple, sharing the Good News with all whom you meet.
Come Holy Spirit. Stir up the hearts of your, faithful, and kindle in us the fire of your love. Amen.
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila