Six-Point Vision Update

In the March newsletter, I provided a six point vision for our near future ministries here at St. Jacob’s. This month, I would like to update the congregation concerning each of these ministry vision points.
Create an Intentional Disciple Making Culture
I have met with our Discipleship Ministry Team leader Lynn Shealy, and we are working on a congregational activity to help us begin growing a culture of discipleship and mission. We hope to invite the congregation to be a part of this at some point during the summer.
Growing the Christin Education Ministries of our Congregation
The goal of this vision point is to enhance our Christian Education Ministry for all ages. The beginning steps are working with the children. Progress toward this goal is happening through the efforts of Angela Nuottila and Rachel Shelton and their plan for Musical Mondays. Children will learn what it means to praise God throughout their life. I am also dedicated to continue posting daily morning devotions and conducting Bible studies using our St. Jacob’s Online Campus on
Raising up Leaders for the Church I have had an initial meeting with a small group of church family members to help in discernment concerning St. Jacob’s as an NALC internship site. The cost of internship is steep, but there is assistance available through the Carolinas Mission Region. We will continue to meet and discuss the possibilities of hosting an NALC intern in the future. I am also in the process of inviting the president of the North American Lutheran Seminary to come visit with our congregation and provide more insight concerning the need to raise up candidates for ordained ministry within the NALC. Team members for discernment are: Susan, Judy, Michael, Danny, John.
Grow in our Focus on Mission and Outreach
In May, Rachel and I took a tour of the NALC Disaster Warehouse and spoke with the administrators and our NALC Bishop. We will be planning ways for our congregation to become greater supporters of this ministry as the need continues to grow.
Develop a Welcoming and Inviting Culture
This is something that St. Jacob’s has been good at throughout the years, but we need to remain very intentional in inviting others to join us for worship and to become a part of our life together. I hope to meet with the Worship and Music Team soon so, we can plan an “Invite a Friend Sunday” when we welcome friends and extended family members to come worship with us.
Grow our Sense of Christian Fellowship
Perhaps the greatest challenge for us is to overcome the sense of social distance following the COVID-19 pandemic. As restrictions are eased and more people are vaccinated against the virus, we are able to open up our congregation to more activities. I am hoping that our auxiliaries (Men, Women, Up and Going, Youth) will resume monthly meetings and enjoy time together.