Return To One Worship Service

With the lifting of pandemic restrictions and practices, St. Jacob’s will return to hosting a single worship service on Sunday mornings. As we return to one service, we will do so while observing a new worship time. Beginning July 4, 2021, worship on Sunday morning will begin at 10:00 AM with Sunday school beginning at 9:00 AM.
Also, the return to one service means that we will have our worship assistants return to their pre-pandemic routines. Ushers will once again greet worshipers at the door and hand out bulletins. They will also pass the offering plates through the congregation at the appropriate point in our service. Communion assistants will resume pouring the wine from our pouring chalices. Acolytes will wear robes and remain in the chancel to assist the pastor when needed. And those who served as crucifer will resume that duty as well. Currently the plan is to have the choir re-convene on the first Sunday of August (August 1st).
It will be good to return to the worship practices that we have been missing for so long. Anyone who desires to volunteer as a worship assistant should contact the church office to have their name added to the appropriate list of volunteers.