From the Pastor’s Heart by Pastor David Nuottila

Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14
Before you settle in to read this article, I would invite you to do something first. Go to your shelf or table and pick up your Bible. Then go to the kitchen and pour yourself a glass of water. Now set the glass filled with water beside your Bible on the table nearest you and begin reading.
There is a book on my shelf that I enjoy reading from time to time which is written by Max Lucado. It bears the title Come Thirsty. It is a very good resource for those who may feel distant from God and also for those who would enjoy a “spiritual pick me up” if you will. I do love reading this book and hearing the invitation of our Loving God to come to Him as a child comes to his/her father.
It is always appropriate that we ponder how it is we approach our Father in heaven. How is it that we take time to earnestly study God’s Word and to pray for heightened awareness of God’s presence in our daily lives? Truly, it is good that we look deep inside our lives in order that we may see ourselves for who we are as sinners, yet also to see ourselves for whose we are, God’s beloved children redeemed by the blood of Christ. As we continue in our life together, we should all provide ourselves with opportunities to reflect upon God’s call to follow the example of Christ Jesus, loving God with all our heart, loving our neighbor, and ministering to the needs of those whom God places within our midst. The more we ponder these things, the more we will realize our thirst for God’s amazing grace, His forgiveness, love and kindness.
A central part of this pondering is coming to the wellspring of God’s Word through the Holy Scriptures. Our Lord invites us all to “come thirsty” for his grace. Come thirsty for the power of God’s redeeming love. Such a thirst can only be quenched by the living water that is Christ our Lord.
Here at St. Jacob’s, we have provided several opportunities for such thirst quenching study of God’s Word. The response to the 90 Day Bible Fitness Challenge was much more than I initially thought. We have 19 church family members engaged in reading through the Bible in 90 days and I am sure most, if not all, will see it through to completion. We are also beginning an in-depth reading of the book of Revelation on Wednesday mornings. I invite everyone to “Come Thirsty” and learn more about this most misunderstood book of the Bible and to hear God’s message of salvation within its pages.
I am also very encouraged by Rachel’s offering to lead a women’s Bible study on Tuesday mornings and her small group study for the high school and college aged young ladies of St. Jacob’s. Rachel is someone who is well equipped to tell others about the love of God in Christ Jesus. I would invite the women of St. Jacob’s to “Come Thirsty” for the fellowship and learning that such Bible studies provide.
In order that you may fully realize God’s awesome power and love in your life, I invite you to “Come Thirsty.” “Come Thirsty” to worship where all may join hearts and voices in praise and thanksgiving for all that God has done and continues to do. I invite you to “Come Thirsty” for God’s love; to hear His gospel proclaimed, His Word preached and to realize the abundance of His mercy and grace.
As you come to worship, I also invite you to come to Sunday School where you will learn even more of the goodness of our Lord and Savior. “Come Thirsty” for the fellowship we share as God’s gathered empowered and equipped for ministry and sent into the world for the sake of those who are neediest among us.
Finally, I invite you to ponder the Bible and the glass of water before you. God’s written Word proclaiming His grace made available through His Word made flesh. As you open the pages of Holy Scripture, you will be reminded that God made water to be a sign of His unfailing love and His promise to deliver His people. Through water and the Word, God washes us in the flood of our baptism, pouring out the gifts of faith and the Holy Spirit, forgiveness of sins and the promise of everlasting life.
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila