Homecoming 2021

Our annual Homecoming celebration is scheduled for Sunday, October 10th. Having missed out on Homecoming in 2020 due to the pandemic, we can all look forward to a day of wonderful fellowship. Please invite members of St. Jacob’s past and present to join us. Our Homecoming guest preacher will be our old friend, Pastor Marty Ramey. Later that afternoon, church family members are invited to go sing for St. Jacob’s members who are not able to attend worship. We will share time with them singing some of those good old hymns that everyone loves to sing while visiting folks whom we have not seen for a while. Join us on October 10th at 3 PM. We will travel in cars and share the gift of the church’s music making a joyful noise unto the Lord. Please circle the date on your calendars and be sure to come enjoy this day of celebration.