Christmas Morning Worship

Years ago, I was confronted by a church member concerning Worship on Christmas Day. That particular year, Christmas was on Sunday and this certain church member wanted to know if we would be having worship that morning. Of course, we did have worship. After all, Sunday is the Lord’s Day regardless of any other celebration we might want to observe. That instance set in motion a practice that I have observed every year since. As a pastor, it breaks my heart that the vast majority of churches remain closed on Christmas morning, one of the holiest days of the year. I have made it my tradition to offer a worship service every year on Christmas morning for those who would desire to come celebrate Christmas with worship and Holy Communion. This year will be no different. Worship with holy communion will be Christmas morning at 10:00 AM. All are invited to keep Christ in Christmas and worship at St. Jacob’s during this simple Christmas morning service. It is a “come as you are” opportunity to gather with your church family. Over the years, I have witnessed children in pajamas, adults in relaxed and casual dress, all coming to sing the praises of a God who would provide the most precious gift of all, the birth of a Savior who is Christ the Lord. Everyone is most certainly welcome. Come make a joyful noise and share in the blessing of Christmas with your church family.