Choir Notes

Christ Is Risen. He Is Risen Indeed Alleluia!
We have once again celebrated Christ’s victory over death on Easter Sunday and with that comes some changes to our church service. We once more proclaim, “Alleluia”, praise to God, throughout the service. During Lent all our Alleluias went away. Do you know how many times we say “Alleluia, praise the Lord” during our service? I once had the children count them in the bulletin and it’s a lot. Check it out this Sunday. As we come together to praise God, we say Alleluia quite a few times. Another change in the service is that the Hymn of Praise, “Glory to God”, has returned. It too went away during Lent. After the Kyrie, we sing “Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God in the Highest.” This hymn of praise is based on the Gloria sung by the angels at the birth of Christ. We are rejoicing at the coming of Christ. He has come into the world and taken away our sins. He has risen and is seated at the right hand of God. We ask him to have mercy on us. During Lent, we did not sing the hymn of praise as we remembered the forty years Israel wandered lost in the wilderness. Lent is a time when we focus on just how lost we are and how much we need a savior. But Glory to God, it is Easter, Christ has arisen and we join with all the host of heaven singing praises to the Lord. During this Easter season rejoice in the Lord and sing out his praises with gusto. This Sunday focus on the beautiful words given to us at Jesus birth and remember all that he has done and continues to do for you.
I hope that you enjoyed the return of bell music to our service on Easter morning. If you have rung bells in the past or have thought I’d love to learn to ring bells, please let me know. I would like to put together another small group to play on Pentecost Sunday in June. We would require a few weeks to practice. I pray for your help as we begin to rebuild the music ministry at St. Jacob’s.