Countdown To Congo

By: Pastor David
There are only three full months until my trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo. This trip will be quite unique as Pastor Kalonji and I will travel to a region where I have not been in the past. Still, there will be opportunity to minister to some congregations that I am familiar with and I’m looking forward to seeing those pastors again and hearing their stories and experiences since I saw them last.
Of course, the opportunity to preach the Gospel of Jesus will be the main highlight of our trip. God is so gracious as to allow Pastor Kalonji and I to travel and share the good news of Jesus with others. Upon my return, I will provide plenty of photos and stories with you so that you can see the many ways through which St. Jacob’s comes to the aid of our neighbors across the ocean. They certainly live a different way of life than we do, but it is the same God who provides all they need. It is also the same God who sent his Son Jesus Christ into the world so that our sins will be forgiven. We are all united in Christ Jesus, the people of St. Jacob’s, the people of God in the Congo, and all Christians around the globe. To God be the glory now and forever!