Archive for May, 2022

What follows is a copy of an essay shared with me by a friend who received it from one of his former students. I found this to be a powerful witness coming from one who felt he had to share his experience upon reading the narrative of Jesus’ death and resurrection for the first time. My friend edited some parts to preserve the student’s anonymity. Permission has been given for my sharing it with you.
Prior to attending this class, I had not been exposed to Christianity. I hadn’t read the Bible before. I knew a famous story about the Last Supper and I had seen paintings that depicted it. A few weeks ago, I went to a church for the first time. I felt a little amazed about it. The church was just like a big, warm family. Christians greeted others, gave hugs, prayed to Jesus by singing songs. They even prayed for people who were suffering diseases and disaster even though they were strangers to them. Then I saw some Christians holding out their arms and weeping when they were emotionally moved. They were so faithful when they were praying that I couldn’t believe how great was the power of their belief had I not seen it myself.
I was given a small piece of bread and a little cup of red wine which represented Jesus’ body and blood to eat. A Christian told me it was given according to Jesus’ promise to sinful human beings. But I didn’t understand that until I read Luke’s story today.
Jesus healed so many people who were sick and troubled by evil spirits before he went to Jerusalem, but he didn’t do anything for himself, even though he had anticipated his death many times. He kept calm in the face of death, comforted women who wept for him as he carried his cross. He even forgave one of the condemned criminals dying with him.
What a graceful man! Now I know why Christians are so faithful to him. A man who could devote himself to ease others’ sins should be honored and praised forever!
But still there is one thing that puzzles me. If Christians can be so moved by their faith in their Lord and Savior, why do so many take salvation for granted? Why do so many Christians refrain from attending church services on Sunday?
Being welcomed into this big warm family has brought me ever-closer to the God whom I did not know. But once I began reading the Bible and learning more about Jesus, I have become intrigued with his life, and especially his death. I have come to believe that Jesus truly is my Lord and Savior and that having been forgiven of my sins, I will one day enter the gates of his kingdom. If this is what Christians believe, why is it that an overwhelming number of them stay away?
I’ve heard some say it is because they don’t like the music. Others have said it’s because they don’t care for the pastor. I’ve even heard Christian parents complain that there are not enough things to keep their children busy. This is what I don’t understand. Are we supposed to come because we like the music? Are we supposed to come because we feel the pastor is a terrific preacher and perfect gentleman? And are we supposed to bring our children so they can participate in games and programs? No, what I have come to believe is that Christians are to come to church because living on our own terms is why Jesus went to the cross in the first place. He died because humans are stubborn in their thinking, because they only want life measured by the way they think it should be. Although I am sure few would admit this, not even to themselves, I have to admit this was me, at least until I took this class and was invited to church by one of my classmates.
I am so thankful that I have met Jesus. I am thankful that a church filled with sinners welcomed me into their warm family. I am thankful that the imperfect pastor of their church believes Jesus died for the sake of everyone, and that he is so willing to tell others how God saves us from our sin through the death of Jesus.
Not before I took this class, not before I read the Gospel of Luke, not before I went to church with my classmate, did I realize what I had been missing my whole life. And now, I want this for everyone. Thank you, Jesus, for opening my eyes.
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila

St Jacob’s Mercy Boxes for We Care

Posted May 10, 2022 By admin

How can I help?
1. Pick up from the church or purchase a medium sized box from Lowe’s. The boxes are located in the table and chair storage room in the Fellowship Hall.
2. Using the list below, shop for the food items that will feed a family for one week.
3. Return the box to the Fellowship Hall by Sunday evening.
4. Do not seal the top of the box!
5. On Monday morning, a fresh loaf of bread will be added to the box, the box sealed, and delivered to We Care.

Shopping suggestion: Food Lion Chapin – purchase Food Lion brands when possible for best pricing. Almost all items are located on two aisles.
All boxes must have these items to make the meals for the week:

Canned Vegetables:
1 large can green beans
1 large can sweet potatoes / yams
2 cans corn
1 can of lima beans
2 cans of peas / carrots
1 large can baked beans

Pasta Sauce:
2 jars Spaghetti Sauce with Meat (flavoring)
1 jar Alfredo Sauce 2 cans corn 1 can of lima beans

1 lb. pasta
1 bag egg noodles
1 container instant rice
2 pouches instant mashed potatoes
1 Mac and Cheese – complete meal box

Canned Meats:
1 can Spam
3 cans Vienna sausage
4 cans cooked chicken
3 cans tuna
1 large can beef stew

Canned Fruit:
1 large jar applesauce
1 can mixed fruit / fruit cocktail
Extra items you can add:
Grits / oatmeal / boxed cereal
Peanut butter and jelly
Saltines / crackers
Salt / pepper

Why are we putting food in boxes?
We Care has a mobile delivery service that transports food to Whitmire and other areas. They have a number of families that aren’t able to come to the delivery locations so the boxes make it much easier for food to be delivered to families in need. The complete boxes make sure each family has food for an entire week.

What if I find items on sale and can buy extra in bulk?
Great! But store it at your home to add to your next box. We currently aren’t able to store extra items to put together boxes at the church.

I’d like to help deliver the boxes to We Care.
Wonderful!! Please let Lynn know so you can be added to the schedule of delivery drivers.

Chapin Exalting Christ Together

Posted May 10, 2022 By admin

The first Thursday of May is set aside each year as a National Day of Prayer. The Chapin Ministerial Association will be hosting an event, calling all Christians in Chapin to gather under the theme, “Chapin Exalting Christ Together.” This event will take place at Mt. Horeb Lutheran Church beginning at 6:30 PM. Pastor David will be offering prayer on behalf of our law enforcement, first responders, and military personal. Plan to gather with our community and lift our prayers to the One God who cares for all and has offered His Son for the sake of us all.

Everyone at St. Jacob’s is invited to attend a special Fellowship and Mission Event of the Carolinas Mission Region at the NALC Disaster Response Warehouse in Kings Mountain, NC. The event takes place on Saturday, May 21st. The plan is for congregations to collect items to assemble Disaster Response Hygiene Kits to resupply the warehouse before hurricane season. This event is perfect for Youth groups, Men’s groups, Women’s groups and Senior’s. ALL ARE INVITED! There will be plenty of food and fellowship provided by Advent Lutheran Church in Kings Mountain. As a part of this project, St. Jacob’s has been collecting travel size bottles of shampoo and nail clippers. The response has been wonderful and generous. Thank you to all who have donated to this project. Now we simply need your presence to help assemble the hygiene kits. See you on May 21st!

Ninety Day Bible Reading Challenge

Posted May 5, 2022 By admin

Once again, we present the challenge to our congregation to read the Bible in ninety days. As it was last year, the challenge is to read the entire Bible, chronologically, every day for three months. We will use the New Living Translation (NLT) Chronological Study Bible which can be purchased through or ordered from most Bible bookstores. Our challenge will begin on Wednesday, June 1st and continue through August 29th. Reading plans will be shared with all who take up the challenge.
Several who took the challenge last year found the NLT Chronological Bible to be a wonderful Bible reading and study aid. Helping them to grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. I would invite you to participate again this year.
Small groups will meet once per week for encouragement; but unlike last year, there will be some guided questions to facilitate conversation and learning more about what we have read. A brochure with more information will be included as an insert for those who would like to know more and sign up for the challenge. Even those who took the challenge last year will find it to be a rewarding experience. Order your Bible today, and let’s read the Bible together in ninety days.

Director Of Youth and Family Ministries

Posted May 1, 2022 By admin

Dear St. Jacob’s Families,
I want to share the Holy Spirit’s burden on my heart. Let us look to the calling our heavenly Father has given us through Christ Jesus. To make disciples of all nations, teaching them all He has taught us. (Mt 28:18-20).
That vision I have for families at St. Jacob’s is to dive headfirst into the surpassing knowledge of the love of Christ for sinners and sufferers. And to become lights to their families and the world around them. (Mt. 11:28-30, Eph 3:17-19, Jn 6:37, Mt 5:14-16)
My goals are for the families, with the power of the Holy Spirit:
• To learn from the Son that they may see and glorify the Father. (Mt 11:28-30)
• To endlessly search for the riches of their identity in Christ. (Eph 3:17-19)
• To rest entirely in the never-ending promise to never be cast out. (Jn 6:37)
• To go into the world and be a light that draws others to Christ. (Mt 5:14-16)
With that as the foundation, I would like to invite families, both parents and their children, to join us for a weekly meeting where we might allow Christ to dwell in our hearts through faith, being grounded in love—comprehending with all the saints of God what are the breadth, length, height, and depth of the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that the Holy Spirit would fill us with all the fullness of God. (Eph 3:17-19)
Would you join us for a night of worshiping our Father through songs, teaching, fellowship, games, and more?
Brothers and Sisters, how wonderful would it be if we as a church might come to desire and delight in the calling of Christ Jesus. Our Friend, our Elder Brother, our Lord and Master, our Savior and Redeemer.
We will be meeting every Tuesday night from 7 PM—8:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall, starting on May 10th . If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to me and I can get you plugged in!
In Christ,
Matt Burt
Youth and Family Director