Archive for July, 2022

15Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. 16But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. 17Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Luke 18:15-17
Over the years, one of the greatest joys I have found in being a pastor is watching the children of the church grow in their faith. It is a tremendous blessing for congregations to have children among them as part of our life together. As I write this monthly message, we are getting ready to begin Vacation Bible School. It will be a week filled with children’s learning, laughter, singing, and energy. VBS is always a highlight for the summer months. It is a time when adults can reflect on days gone by when we were the children experiencing much of the same things as the kids today. That’s how life in the church goes.
Jesus was quite clear in his rebuke of those who tried to keep children from coming to him. His words carry a weight and authority like those of no one else. “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” Imagine the sight, a kingdom filled with the laughter and wide eyes of children as they flock to the one who embodies the love of God, promising to keep them near to him forever. If we only watch and pay attention, we can see this reality unfold right before our eyes.
The truth be told, children love to be among their church family. When the children of the church are present, they find themselves in the midst of a community that shares equal joy and wonder in the presence of Christ the Lord. Maybe that’s because, as we welcome the children into our midst and
shower them with love and attention, God takes delight and showers us with the blessing of the children’s love, energy, and excitement.
If you have ever been a part of a congregation without children, you will know just how quiet life in the church can be. As children of God, we are to be ever thankful for all of God’s blessings. We are to be filled with the joy of knowing that, just as Christ welcomed the children and blessed them, our heavenly Father also welcomes and blesses us. Sadly, we adults sometime forget this as we find ourselves burdened with the weight of our fallen broken world upon our shoulders. Finding joy in presence of children helps us put such hindrances in their proper place.
We can learn so many lessons from the children of the church, all we need to do is watch them and let them be children. First, we can learn what it truly means to have a child-like faith. To believe and fully trust God in all situations. When circumstances in life cause us fear or anxiety, we can curl up in the lap of our Father, seeking his peace and comfort just as a child seeks the same from a loving parent or grandparent. When we feel that we are lacking something or find that we have a particular need, we can ask God with assurance of a small child when he or she receives that which would bring fulfillment.
As I said at the onset, it brings me great joy to see the children each week in worship. Each one brings tremendous gifts to our church family just by their presence among us. Watching the many children that I had the privilege to baptize grow, and take their place in the community always brings to mind God’s blessings and promises that we find in his peace, power, and presence.
Parents, please continue to bring your children to church. Grandparents, bring your grandchildren. Share their lives with those whom God has called and gathered here at St. Jacob’s. Let them all come to Christ, do not hinder them. They serve as living, breathing reminders to all of us of the joy we experience in the presence of Christ our Lord. They also help us continue in a child-like faith as we await the great and glorious day when our Lord comes to take us to where he is, the place he has prepared for all the children of God.
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila

Pastoral Devotion for July

Posted July 1, 2022 By admin

Pray; God Will Hear
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-28
It seems these days there are so many people calling for prayer. After all, there is so much for which to pray. All around the world we hear of people struggling with poverty, hunger, and disease. Even as I write this, I received a prayer request. With so many prayers, how can we be sure God hears them?

The scriptures are filled with passages declaring God’s hearing and answering the prayers of his people. In the book of Jeremiah we read, “You will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.” Jeremiah 29:12 In Mark’s Gospel Jesus says, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

These are but two of many passages in the Bible that point us to the power of prayer and the assurance that God hears them. We know our God is one who keeps his promises, especially the promise to save people from their sin. With that, the apostle Paul encourages God’s people to pray. Pray without ceasing. Pray for your neighbor. Pray for your loved ones as well as your enemies. Give thanks in all circumstances. God is faithful. He will surely answer your prayer.

Prayer: O Lord, listen as I cry to you. Hear my prayer. Amen.