Operation Christmas Child

Joining with several local congregations, St. Jacob’s will participate in this year’s Operation Christmas Child.

From children to seniors, people pack shoebox gifts each year to bless children in need around the world. Parents often use the project to teach their kids about giving. Year -round volunteers support these efforts across the country.

Churches and groups of all sizes collect boxes from their communities. Some churches also serve as drop-off locations for shoeboxes the third week of November every year.

Thousands of volunteers serve annually inspecting and preparing shoeboxes for international shipping. Every hour work stops for a few minutes to pray for the children who will receive the boxes.

Operation Christmas Child uses the boxes as resources for outreach in orphanages and other at-risk areas. In many places, they also offer The Greatest Gift, a Gospel story booklet Samaritan’s Purse developed for shoebox recipients, inviting children to participate in The Greatest Journey discipleship program.

Thank you to all at St. Jacob’s who have adopted a child by way of Operation Christmas Child. As of Sunday, October 23, we still have 23 shoe boxes that have not been adopted. Please, as you are able, share the gift of God’s love with a child in need this Christmas. Shoeboxes are located in the narthex along with all the information you need to fill, pack, and have your box delivered to a child in one of more than 100 countries. Shoeboxes must be turned in by Sunday, November 13th.