Advent Begins November 27

It’s hard to believe, but in a few short weeks the season of Advent will be upon us.

“Advent” comes from a Latin word meaning “coming” or “arrival.” Within the traditional Church, the season of Advent is the season of waiting and anticipation of the coming of Christ. Not simply the coming of Christ as the child born in a manger, but also His second Coming to usher in the kingdom of God in its fullness. This dual meaning of Advent has been celebrated by Christians since the 6th century.

At St. Jacob’s we will celebrate Advent in traditional ways. Sunday worship services will focus on the lessons prescribed by our lectionary. Our mid-week services will feature dramatic readings and the Vespers liturgy from the Lutheran Book of Worship.

On Wednesday, December 21, we will once again offer a Blue Christmas Service: Worship on the Longest Night. Further information will be shared in the weekly worship bulletins leading up to this date.

Celebrating Advent leads worshipers to greater spiritual depth in the midst of a secular season of distraction that pulls us farther from the very meaning of Christmas. Like a powerful magnet, using images of bright lights, festive decorations, and beautifully wrapped gifts, the world seeks to draw Christians away from the expected hope of Christ and toward a life shaped by earthly cultural traditions.

Join us for worship during Advent and experience God working in your spiritual life as you join the Christian family in the waiting, expectation, and contemplative reflection of pondering the grace of God and the ultimate gift of CHRISTmas.