NALC Disaster Response Event

What a great time we had during our NALC Disaster Response project in November! So many of our church family members helped us collect items to assemble health and hygiene kits for the Disaster Response warehouse. Our Goal was to collect enough materials to assemble fifty kits. That goal was certainly met. Along with health kits, St. Jacob’s collected about forty-five blankets, and several packages of adult disposable undergarments. Pastor David also furnished a case of Bibles to be donated to the warehouse.

At the completion of our project, one question remained. Who is the champion chili chef at St. Jacob’s? That question was answered as June went home with the honors (and the Chili Champion apron and trophy). Thank you to all who supplied chili with all the fixings. Thank you also to everyone who made a donation of time and talent in collecting and assembling the health kits for the NALC Disaster Response Warehouse. All in all, it was a fun night of mission and fellowship. Well done St. Jacob’s!