Congo Mission Update

With the posting of this month’s newsletter, my annual mission trip to Congo is just a little more than a month away. My mission partner Pastor Stephane Kalonji and I are making plans for the Gospel ministry we will accomplish while we are in the country.
One of the projects we began last summer is the building of the first Lutheran Church Facility in the region of Kasai-Oriental. There are no Lutheran congregations in this region that have a church building or permanent structure in which to hold services or other gatherings.
Through the generosity of several congregations within the NALC and LCMC, we have been able to provide funding for this building project. Land has been purchased and the foundation has been laid for the construction of a multi-use building on the outskirts of Mbuji-Mayi.
There is still a long way to go in completing this building, but with God’s provision it will become a reality and a place where Christians can worship, families can gather, children can learn, and women can learn skills through which they may generate income and provide for their families.
Thank you to all who have supported the Congo Mission with your donations and your prayers. Thank you also to everyone who has adopted a Bible for us to distribute to church leaders and Pastors in Congo who do not have access to Bibles in their tribal languages. It is humbling to know that so many people throughout our congregation, Mission Region, and NALC are prayerfully active in this mission together.
This year’s mission trip commences immediately following worship on July 7 with my travel to Houston, Texas. From There, Pastor Kalonji and I will travel to Congo on July 8-9. My return to Chapin is scheduled for Sunday, July 21. In total, I will be away for 14 days.
Pastor Gary Blobaum will be our Supply Pastor on July 14 and 21. Pastor David Tholstrup will be on call for the congregation in case of emergency pastoral ministry needs. Please pray that we have safe travels and that we accomplish all God has called us to do.