St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting Briefs – August 6, 2024

St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting Briefs – August 6, 2024
Good Things at St. Jacobs for July:
• Safety Team guest speaker and ice cream social
• Young people Bible Study
• Community service activities at church and in the community
• Cans were emptied
• Floors in fellowship hall look great
• Summer Handbell Camp
Ministry Teams
Staff Support: Susan (presented by Sherrie)
• Recognized Laurie Shacker’s birthday.
• Scheduled meetings with staff members in August for annual reviews.
Christian Education: Sherrie
• Kayla and Sherrie continue to co-teach for the summer.
• Purchased a Smart TV for Sunday School classroom.
• Will work with Jeremiah and Angela to determine technology needs for our classrooms.
Congregational Care: Billy / David
• Lay communion ministry team visited and administered communion to our homebound members.
• Assisted family with plumbing needs.
• Provided a meal for the family of Richard Shealy.
Property: Barry
• Danny has met with a paving contractor who will be performing highway work in our vicinity and in front of the church who will give us the asphalt grindings to stockpile for construction.
• Danny continues to meet with Lexington County for permits.
• Made adjustments to the exterior door next to the stage, but it did not fix the problem. Obtaining quotes for replacement of the two exterior doors (next to stage and next to kitchen).

Safety: Robert / Kevin
• Active Shooter Training was well attended.
• Danny is scheduling a meeting with our IT contact to discuss our internet, cameras, and console location.
Old Business
Church Sanctuary: Susan
• The Renovation Team continues to look at options and ideas for sanctuary improvements. Scheduling a meeting with a church interior designer as part of team’s next steps.
New Business
• Temple Talk for August – no recommendation
• 2025 Budget requests from Ministry Team Leaders – There will be a meeting after church on Sunday, August 18. Finance Team will provide budget documents. Ministry Team Leaders must submit their budget requests to Larry Shull by Sunday, September 8. Finance Team to prepare draft 2025 budget for October meeting.
• Time and Talent Sheets – Council to review and update our Time and Talent Sheets for 2025.
• NALC Disaster Response Team is providing flood buckets in Florida. Plans are to use the materials in our warehouse to restock. In addition, there will be a flood bucket build at Holy Trinity in Little Mountain on October 12. More information will be shared in our September newsletter.