St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting Briefs – September 3, 2024

Good Things at St. Jacob’s for August
• Started Confirmation classes with a large group of confirmands.
• The Journey Sunday school class continues to have good attendance.
• Fill material has been delivered for future use for the parking lot.
• The Youth Bible study continues to have a strong youth commitment to attending each Wednesday.
Ministry Teams
Staff Support: Susan
• Met with all staff for Annual Reviews in August.
Safety: Robert / Kevin
• Upcoming Plans: Begin the installation of interior and exterior cameras.
Christian Education: Sherrie
• Children’s Sunday school classes will be split K-5th grade (Kayla) and 6th grade and up (Sherrie).
• Sunday School Breakfast and Rally Day held on Sunday, September 15th at 9:00 AM. Congregational Care will assist with the meal.
• Council technology requests for three classrooms downstairs, for a computer and printer for the treasurer and for a new hard drive for Laurie’s computer.
Congregational Care: Billy / David
• Lay Communion Ministry teams visited and administered communion.
• Assisted family with various travel needs.
• The HUB asked St. Jacob’s to provide 250 slices of pound cake.
Discipleship: Lynn / Julie
• 18 Mercy Bags and 298 pounds of food were donated to We Care.
• 101 flood buckets have been donated.
• On October 12th there will be a Flood Bucket Day at Holy Trinity. SJLC will participate and a list of items needed from our congregation will be in the bulletin.
Property: Barry
• Will replace the exit door in the back of the fellowship hall and the exit door just outside the kitchen.
• Asphalt grinding has been placed in front of the church office to be used as fill for the new parking lot.
Worship and Music: Marie Slice
• Will place an order for new purple paraments. Only blue paraments remain to be purchased and the goal is to do this by the 250th anniversary of St. Jacob’s in 2026.

Old Business
Church Sanctuary: Susan
• Julie Stuck and Susan Shealy met with an interior designer and are waiting to receive the scope of work and cost for what she can do to assist with the sanctuary renovation.
Time and Talent Sheets: Sherrie
• Council approved the Time and Talent Sheet that will be distributed in the Sunday bulletin on October 13th and 20th.
Building Use Form: Pastor
• Council approved the Facility Request Form and Facility Use Form and it will eventually be available on the church website.

New Business
• The Temple Talk for September will be about the Spiritual Gifts Inventory.