From Your Pastor’s Heart

My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body. Proverbs 4:20-22
As you all know, I have been dealing with a serious health issue for quite a while. It was serious enough that I had to cancel my annual trip to Congo. It hasn’t been a secret that I have been diagnosed with blockages in my heart. When the news was first delivered to Angela and me, we didn’t really know what to do. The doctors who were tending to me were not comfortable in making a definitive treatment plan. After a few tense days, I decided to get a second opinion. Not that the doctors who saw me weren’t good doctors, I don’t believe that for a second. I’m sure they are quite capable. But this being the first time I have had to deal with such an issue, I prayed for guidance and comfort. The answer to my prayers came in the form of a complete stranger suggesting I see a doctor in Charlotte whom he had been treated by. One or two calls later and I was in the loop.
In Charlotte, I met a team of doctors who truly give Angela and me confidence and assurance that the prescribed remedy will be my best option for future good health. Thus, I have agreed to undergo bypass surgery where it is likely two main arteries will be repaired. I truly appreciate the care I am receiving through the doctors and nurses in Charlotte. Angela and I are completely comfortable with the decision to proceed with surgery.
We also take comfort in knowing that God is the one who enables medical personnel to do the work of healing. Truly, only God could provide the wisdom and skillset to accomplish such miracles. As Solomon said in the Proverbs, God’s Word is “life to those who find [it] and health to one’s whole body.”
My surgery is scheduled for November 7th and I will be away from the church for about three weeks after that. On Sunday, November 10th, our elders will lead worship and distribute Holy Communion with bread and wine consecrated the week prior. I have arranged for Pastor Leon Rawl to supply on November 17th and 24th so there will be no interruption in the celebration of the Sacrament.
I hope to return to St. Jacob’s (albeit in a reduced capacity) on Sunday, December 1st with some restrictions on driving and lifting. My doctor supports this line of thought and sees no reason not to expect a favorable outcome to this procedure and complete recovery. I am thankful for the prayers many of you have offered on my behalf and look forward to improved health following recovery from surgery. This has not been an easy article to write. I’m not used to sharing such news about my personal health. But through the years so many have shared their health concerns that God has convinced me, now is the time to do the same, share with the ones whom you love, for this is truly what is on your pastor’s heart, figuratively and realistically.
Grace and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila