Into Liturgy, part 4

In this installment of our look into the liturgy of the church, we make the shift to the main purpose of Divine Service, that is to receive God’s good gifts for his people.
The Word
The initial act of God in service to his people is to share his saving Word with his people. Through the carefully selected readings of the church’s lectionary, the voice of our Good Shepherd comes to us through the reading and preaching of the Scriptures. The Lord speaks to his people through his Law and Gospel, calling sinners to repentance and assuring believers of God’s mercy and grace through Christ alone.
The Creed
The Lutheran Church confesses her faith using the three ecumenical creeds (statements of faith). With these three creeds, (Apostles’, Nicene, Athanasian) fellow believers confess the truth of the Triune nature of God, and the truth of God’s creating, redeeming, and sanctifying love. This is the confession made throughout the generations of the one, holy catholic (universal) and apostolic church.