St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting Briefs
December 3, 2024
Good Things at St. Jacob’s for November
- 300+ pieces of pound cake for The Hub for Thanksgiving
- Angel Tree
- Successful surgery results for Pastor David
- Pastor Rawl leading worship
- Chrismon Trees and being ready for Advent
- Two new doors in the Fellowship Hall
- Thank you to AJ for hanging the TVs downstairs
Pastor’s Report
- Pastor is recovering from surgery, but returned to lead worship on December 1st.
- Pastor expressed his thanks to our elders who led worship in his absence, as well as Pastor Leon Rawl for his availability to serve as supply pastor.
- Pastor thanks everyone who sent get well cards and messages and to those who brought over delicious suppers following his return home from the hospital.
Ministry Teams
Staff Support: Susan
- Staff Support will meet with each staff member in early January, 2025, to sign annual employment agreements.
Safety: Robert / Kevin
- January, 2025, install the emergency phone numbers inside the main entrance to the church.
- January, 2025, plan to install security cameras as discussed by Council in 2024 and approved in the 2025 budget.
Christian Education: Sherrie
- Women’s Bible Study meets the second Monday of each month and will begin a new study in January.
- Pastor has moved the Men’s Bible Study to 6:30 PM on the first Monday of each month and will start back up in 2025.
- Planning a birthday party for Jesus for the children’s Sunday school class on December 22nd.
Congregational Care: Billy / David
- Assisting families with various travel needs.
- Provided 300 slices of pound cake along with half and whole cakes for the Hub’s Thanksgiving Community Meal. Many thanks to our bakers!
- Provided meal for the family of Letha Sites.
- Assisting with Lutheran Men Christmas Congregation Meal on December 8th.
Discipleship: Lynn / Julie
- Delivered 8 Mercy Bags to We Care.
- 1200+ people were served a Thanksgiving Meal by We Care on November 26th.
- Angel Tree: St. Jacob’s provided toys and clothes for 30 children.
Property: Barry
- Replaced two exit doors: one in the kitchen hallway and one in the Fellowship Hall.
Stewardship: Doug
- Doug requested information about contacting the NALC website team. Brandon Slice will assist Doug with the website project.
Worship and Music: Marie
- Purple paraments have been ordered and will arrive mid-January.
Old Business
- Church Sanctuary: Susan Shealy / Julie Stuck
- Consultant currently working on color and fabric selections.
- 2025 Budget accepted.
New Business
- Designate Memorial Fund: Currently $1015.00.
- AJ strongly suggested that we need to replace the Latin Processional Cross.
- The Stewardship Ministry Team needs a Team Leader.
- All other ministry teams have a Team Leader in place for 2025.
- Staff Support: Susan
- Safety: Robert
- Christian Education: Sherrie
- Congregational Care: Billy
- Discipleship: Lynn
- Property: Gerald and Danny
- Stewardship: OPEN
- Worship and Music: Marie and Julie