Up and Going News

Happy New Year to each of you. Sixteen members gathered on Thursday, Jan 11, to enjoy a traditional Pot of Soup. Each brought items for the soup or an accompaniment or a dessert. The soup lunch was delicious. We sent lunches to Dan and Floriede and JL and Janet. Helen Gave the devotions on New Beginnings which our Baptism gives us every day. Business was conducted. We then got busy and made 185 bows for the Hospice Bags. Hospice Bags will be filled at the March meeting. If you would like to contribute individually wrapped candy, nuts, crackers, etc. please leave your gifts in the Fellowship Hall in the box provided and marked. We will make the additional bows needed then. We plan to make 250 Hospice Bags. If you are asked to handwrite a note of love to attach to each bag please consider helping us. These personal notes mean so much to the recipient. Simple acts of kindness show God’s love. The February Meeting is scheduled for FRIDAY, Feb 9. We plan to go by bus to free Friday at Riverbanks Zoo. Lunch will be at the Brookland Center. Ray will have devotions. Date will change if bad weather is predicted. More information will follow at a later date.