News From Council President
Who are we? We are St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church – SJLC. We are a congregation Serving Jesus Loving Community! This is our 2020 theme for Council. During our January Council Retreat, we reviewed the Mission and Core Values of the North American Lutheran Church. Our Core Values are: “Christ Centered”, “Mission Driven”, “Traditionally Grounded” and “Congregationally Focused”. Council discussed how we, as a congregation, are fulfilling these values, what additional opportunities we could offer and areas that we could focus on this year. During our retreat, we established the following 2020 goals, which touch all our Core Values.
- Strengthen and Grow Sunday School by Revitalizing,
Promoting and Recruiting
- This goal includes Christian Education for all ages, finding volunteers for teach ers and helpers, a Christ Centered curriculum that is traditionally grounded, being faithful, and attending Sunday School, growing Sunday School, and providing other education opportunities.
- Strengthen and Grow our Youth (Pre-K thru
- This goal includes our “OWL” Program, Youth programs and opportunities including education, mission and serving.
- Community Service Opportunities
- This goal includes looking for opportunities that our congregation can reach out to others – sharing the gospel and providing help.
- Spiritual Growth in Stewardship Opportunities
- This goal includes stewardship opportunities which includes our individual time, talents and giving and as a church, being good stewards of our resources, properties, facilities, and services.
If you feel called to serve and to assist us in working on any of these goals, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of our Council members. It is our congregation working together – Serving Jesus Loving Community that will make each of these a reality.
God Bless! Sherrie