From the Pastor’s Heart
Read John 18:1 – 20:18
Writing the April installment of our newsletter is certainly an interesting project. The month of April 2020 brings with it the occasion of marking Jesus’s Triumphal Entry into the city of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Soon afterward, the church observes the Triduum, otherwise known as the service of the Three Days. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Great Vigil of Easter are all wrapped up into one continual worship service. During these three days, the need for Christ’s innocent suffering and death and God’s willingness to sacrifice his only begotten Son lead us to the empty tomb of the Resurrection of our Lord. Yet citing all these things, the reality of our “social distancing” has made such observance challenging at best.
On the night he was betrayed, Jesus told his disciples that he would not leave them orphaned. He would send the Advocate, whom we recognize as the Holy Spirit. The Spirit would be with them as they carried on the ministry Christ himself instituted. In the face of persecution, trials and temptation, the Holy Spirit would fill the remaining disciples, now called apostles, with power from on high. They would need this power. The worldly powers that defy God’s goodness and mercy would not simply yield to the Gospel.
Today, as I write this column for you, we have to rely on the same power bestowed by the same Holy Spirit so that the church can carry on the mission of the very same Gospel. The current pandemic, Corona Virus or COVID-19 as it is called, has attempted to hinder God’s people from worship, community prayer, service toward one another and especially public proclamation of the Word of God. Along with that, I can imagine the devil smirking as he thinks he might have found a way to disrupt the celebration of the Sacraments and the fellowship of believers. Oh my, how short sighted can our advisory be?
Surely, we are experiencing something that we have never before even dreamed of. All around the world, people are experiencing the same sort of troubles as we are here. I have been in contact with friends in Canada, England, and Latvia and all report the same “social distancing” we are experiencing here. They also report one more thing that we know is true. We can continue to proclaim the Gospel to the world because Christ is still Lord of all.
With his innocent suffering and death, Jesus destroyed the power that evil would claim to have on the lives of God’s people. No longer are we held captive to the consequences of our sin. And because Jesus was raised from the grave on the third day, we have nothing to fear. Baptized into his death and resurrection, we have been made inheritors of God’s eternal kingdom of glory. No virus, no warnings from governments, nor any earthly powers can halt the sharing of this Good News.
As of today, I have no idea what our Easter celebration might look like. I am hopeful that we will all be together sharing a festive breakfast and that we are able to gather in our beautiful church nave singing praises to the One who has gained the eternal victory. This is my prayer. We shall see soon enough. Until then, let’s continue giving God our thanks and praise, for he has done mighty things for the sake of his people. God bless you all in these interesting times. You are certainly in my prayers.
Grace to you and peace,
Pastor David Nuottila