Youth Director & Family Ministries

Last week, Pastor David and I were able to travel to Kings Mountain, NC to tour one of the two disaster response warehouses in the Carolinas Mission Region. We were able to see what items were needed and how they facilitate collection and distribution. The flood buckets and health kits even grew in quantity while we were there. This was also very special because we were joined by the NALC Bishop, Dan Selbo, and many other CMR Pastors. We have many ideas for our congregation to partner with the warehouse and Mission Region in the future. We are collecting cases of bottled water over the next month. This was the biggest need that we saw while we were there, and we would love to help where we see a need. If you would like to help, you can place the case(s) on the specified table in the Fellowship Hall. We will collect over the next couple of weeks and delivery will be announced at a later date.
Thank you in advance,