St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Council News Briefs for June 2024

Good Things at St. Jacobs:
• Welcomed Laurie Shacker to our Church Office Staff.
• Our Church sign has been updated showing our worship times.
• A new water fountain in the Fellowship Hall has been installed.
• The air conditioner/heat pump in the Fellowship Hall has been installed.
• Baptism of Chloe.
Ministry Teams:
Staff Support: Susan
• Filled the vacant Administrative Assistant position.
Safety: Robert
• The SLED program on “How to deal with unwanted intruders” will be held in July.
• Council recommends that the Safety Team contact a Security Company to obtain a proposal for security cameras.
Christian Education: Sherrie
• Kayla and Sherrie are co-teaching the children’s summer Sunday school. Plans are for movies, crafts and games focusing on Jesus’ miracles.
• Pastor David is holding first Communion class for 3 youth (Chloe, Bella and Owen).
• VBS begins June 24th.
• Chloe will be attending the Solid Rock Day Camp.
Congregational Care: Billy / David
• A Birthday Luncheon will follow worship on June 30th. Hamburgers from Quick Way will be served and provided for by the Congregational Care Team.
• The Congregational Care Team has received several travel requests from congregation members. The
• Team will decide how best to handle these needs from our church members.
• Congregational Care will work on providing greeters for Sunday worship services.
Discipleship: Lynn / Julie
• We Care / Mercy Bags: Provided 45 meals for distribution to rural communities as well as cleaning supplies.
• Glenn Shealy will manage our Disaster Relief building, which includes maintaining an inventory list of items on hand.
• A Coordinator is needed to coordinate our supplies with other disaster relief centers within our region.
• Kevin and Barry will assist with this task.
Property: Barry
• The Parking Lot Project is still being held up by Lexington County Permitting.
• Concerns with the TV in the nursery are being addressed.
• Several projects for the Fellowship Hall and the Disaster Relief Shed are being planned.
Stewardship: Doug Sullivan
• The Church Website is still under discussion/planning.
Worship and Music: Marie
• Keeping up with Communion Supplies.
• Pastor David has created a notebook with images showing the correct placement of the elements, chalice, flagon, etc. for communion.
• Acolyte training is needed.
Old Business
Church Sanctuary: Susan
• Seeking interior designer to assist with the renovation project.
• Currently looking at carpet, pew upholstery and paint color samples.
Historical Team: Susan / Tommy
• Church Photos and memorabilia will be shown to the Up and Going at a future meeting for their assistance identifying congregation members in the photos from years past.
• Ideas for the 250th Anniversary:
o Casual Sunday with a picnic following worship.
o Feature information about history and anniversary events in the Chapin News.
o A series of events that can occur throughout the year.