St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church Council News Briefs for July 2024

Good Things at St. Jacob’s for June
• Congregation Birthday Party!
• VBS – Thank you and great appreciation for all who volunteered to teach, provide meals, lead games/crafts/music!
• Lutheran Men BBQ!
• Three received their First Holy Communion: Chloe, Bella and Owen.
Staff Support
• Laurie is working out beautifully as our new administrative assistant.
• Bryan had the floors professionally cleaned in the fellowship hall and he also cleaned the carpets outside the fellowship hall.
Safety Team
• The SLED program on “How to deal with unwanted intruders” was held on Sunday, July 14th at 5:00 PM.
• CPR and First Aid training will be provided for two new safety team members.
Christian Education
• Kayla and Sherrie are co-teaching the children’s summer Sunday school. In June, 11-13 children attended Sunday school.
• VBS was a great success!
Congregational Care
• The Lay Communion Ministry team visited and administered communion to our homebound folks.
• Assisted family with various travel needs.
• Provides greeters for Sunday worship services.
• Continued support for the Mercy Bags ministry.
• Glenn Shealy is the manager for the Disaster Relief building inventory. Donna Fulmer is our Disaster Relief Coordinator.
New Business
• Brandon and Sherrie will be the two delegates for St. Jacob’s at the Mission Region Convocation which will meet virtually on August 9th.